We are a non-profit, cross-party organization. Our resources come from donations from people who believe in our purpose and from companies that want to join forces towards a more dignified and sustainable country, where everyone has access to adequate food and food waste is no longer a reality.
We are funded by donations from individuals and companies that believe in our work, meet our evaluation criteria and are aligned with our values.
We do not donate funds. Through the Pact Against Hunger Award, we recognize initiatives that work to combat hunger, reduce food waste and promote food security.
We are a cross-party movement, with no links to political parties. This gives us the autonomy we need to propose changes and support governments in all three spheres.
The relationship between the Pact Against Hunger and the private sector is based on transparency and independence. We work in partnership with companies that share our commitment to fighting hunger and reducing food waste, and are aligned with our values. However, we maintain our autonomy to act and develop projects focused exclusively on our objectives, without conflicts of interest.
You can register on the Pact Against Hunger HUB, a platform that brings together more than a thousand users from all over Brazil, including NGO representatives, investors, researchers, entrepreneurs and members of the public authorities. To join the platform, increase the visibility of your project and meet other initiatives, as well as potential funders and donors, register at hub.pactocontrafome.org
Not at the moment. But you can help build a Brazil without hunger through monthly donations. Just go to the “Donate now” button. With a little, you can do a lot for someone’s life.